Sunday 4 September 2016

Most Popular Websites In Nigeria 2015/2016 Top 5

These days, having your site listed among the most popular website in Nigeria whether year 2015 or 2016 is like bringing a dead man back to life but the truth is that it is achievable if you are that hard working , constistent and patient type . Many of the most Most Popular Websites in Nigeria didn’t just wake up one morning and see their sites apearing on page one of google search result , they worked their a sses out as if they want to die for years before they were able to make it come true .

I will not decieve you just to make you feel happy and have that unnecessary hope and relief that won’t help you , to make it to the top 10 or 20 of the most visited websites in any country takes a great deal of hard work, strategy and investment . The hard work comes in form of many sleepless night then you have to be very strategic in writing as well as your SEO optimization aspect and lastly you have to invest on your website . Don’t be afriad to spend money on your websites becuase in time to come that money you spent will come nback to your pocket in million folds . It will be goten back during your harvest period ; i guess you understand what i meant with the word ”Harvest

 One of the challenge that bloggers / website owners face today is the issue of same niche and similar, almost identical contents . Because of this similar content on many websites , it means that there is a lot of competition for favorable ranking on Google as well as other popular search engines like Bing , Yahoo and .

The post The Most Populated Cities In Nigeria 2016 appeared first on Nigerian Info Box Blog.

This post first appeared on Nigerian Info Box, please read the originial post: here

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